45 & 2020: You Got To Go!
It’s been a rough year around the world – Australian brush fires, Hong Kong protests, United States drone strike in Baghdad, and here at home – the killing of George Floyd that caused an uprising/movement, impeachment of Mr. Trump, and the two biggest events, in my mind, affecting everyone globally – the United States presidential election and the coronavirus pandemic. Oh, and my heart surgery. I don’t know about you, but I am done with 2020. It’s time to say, good-bye.
Four months into 2020, I began to move away from those things that would potentially compromise my wellbeing – news, social media and those friends who could only talk three things – politics, religion and themselves (I have no interests in conversational narcissism, thus my avoidance of Mr. Trump and others like him. The latter has nothing to do with his political affiliation, but everything to do with his character.)
My takeaways from 2020:
If we want to survive as a planet, we must learn to separate facts from fear. Generational ignorance is real (to my family – education will free your mind and open your hearts). Religion does not determine your morality. Character is currency. Respect your fellow travelers or suffer the consequences.
I believe there is something good in all of us. Your past doesn’t have to dictate your future. You have to be a stand-up guy (person).
Lastly, more self-care. Practice it often, nurturing your mind, body and soul. The world can be unkind. Self-care is the solution.
The photos in this post represent a self-care moment. Tonight, I made small efforts to prep for the holiday season. I am leaving 2020 behind. I am ready for something new. – paerki
(Additional Photos: Holiday Decorating)