Escaping The City
I was ready to run the streets. Yesterday, it felt very normal to me (all things considered). Walking through Georgetown to enjoy the holiday decorations and shopping on M Street... Well, it was wonderful! Surprisingly, most people were wearing masks and practicing social distancing (talk about being thrilled). Lunch at Clyde's, a little disappointing – I guess I am missing the Clyde’s of yesteryear, and the crowds, too. Dinner at the Blue Duck Tavern, I highly recommend. If, and when you can, play outdoors.
Every day is a gift, not a guarantee. Celebrate the miracle of being alive today, of having the chance to love and be loved. A new week begins, my friends. Take a few moments for yourself. Enjoy a little self-care. Don't forget to incorporate a walk into your Sunday routine. Happy Holidays!
A reminder to not be a cowardly lion. Get a brain. Have a heart. Wear a mask. Please! – paerki
"Some moments are nice. Some are nicer. Some are even worth writing about." - C. Bukowski
Additional Photos: Georgetown Wreaths (2020)