Herons (Jones Falls Trail)
I am looking forward to seeing the Herons on the Jones Falls Trail. Their mating season begins March and ends in May. I've been counting down the days.
Year after year, the herons return to the trees near the Stieff Silver building, underneath the bridge that leads into Druid Hill Park, which is also part of the Jones Falls Trail.
Herons are beautiful birds, but they are indeed wild. Don’t think they are always polite. No, these birds are out to survive and thrive. They are known for building fresh nests or refurbishing old ones in treetops near feeding areas, and far from human disturbances. The males will sometimes bow their heads and then steal sticks from another bird's nests just to try and impress a female. This is all a part of their mating rituals.
For those who live in the area, put the herons on your list, and if you have children I encourage you to bring them along because they will enjoy this adventure. Print out "heron facts" online to make the experience educational, and don’t forget to bring binoculars and a camera. – paerki