Charles Village Virtual Garden Walk
Charles Village is a multicultural neighborhood with measureless energy. The people are like no other because they wear their pride of community for all to see. I am a former resident, and now live in a sister neighborhood not too far away. However, a small piece of my heart remains loyal to this Baltimore treasure.
Here we are, another year, another garden walk – one like no other. As always, each garden will have its own unique charm and character. Although different, each are remarkably beautiful. The Charles Village Garden Walk is one of my favorite spring events. It really does hold a special place in my heart.
Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the annual Charles Village Garden Walk will be reimagined virtually. I understand the reasoning, especially as it relates to social distancing. Still, I cannot deny my heartbreak and disappointment because I enjoy seeing each garden up close and personal. I enjoy those one-on-one conversations with the gardeners, too.
While we cannot see one another in person, I am thankful for the community investment, appreciating this fun opportunity to come together in a more meaningful and creative way. A special thank you to the virtuosos of the virtual world for pulling this off. You are awesome! To the many gardeners, thank you for opening your hearts to the public, displaying your creative endeavors, more importantly, for being gracious, kind and giving. You are one of the many reasons why I choose city life. It really does take a village to keep a village thriving, especially Charles Village.
The photos in this post are from past Charles Village Garden Walks. They remind me of gratitude and appreciation for the time before the pandemic. They tell me to stay steadfast and true because better days are ahead.
Dear friends, time and patience will see us through, but only when we work together. Do not allow the naysayers to bring you down. Become a positive force for others. – paerki