Monday Musings
What a beautiful Monday! I hope you made it outdoors, if only for a few moments to breathe in the fresh air. Today was about blue sky, sunshine and gentle breezes.
I share with you a few ramblings from today, as I had written on my Facebook wall. There is no excuse for not being part of the dialogue. Be responsible with your thoughts. I make no apologizes for what I write. There are times when my opinions change, which I think is great. I enjoy seeing the evolution of my thoughts within my writing. I am always willing to concede at any given moment.
On occasion I like to add this statement – we all have a point of view to express, and let’s share it with the understanding of agreeing to disagree. I might not consent to your politics or religious views, but that will never stop us from being friends, coworkers or neighbors. Never allow one single topic to define your human spirit, but be open to all possibilities.
As always, live life happy. Cheers! – paerki
No STD Is Benign
This article is worth reading. It’s insightful and at the same time a tad passive. I have coordinated clinical research trials of investigational drugs used in the treatment and prevention of herpes. Here are some facts that this article fails to mention: Genital herpes is a serious disease, and is becoming more widespread, especially in younger people. That’s a pretty scary statistic. Herpes in the throat, eyes and other mucus membranes can be a living hell, as I have heard many patients say. People’s lives have been turned upside down because of complications. There is nothing, absolutely nothing benign about any STD – even herpes.
I can appreciate the following response: "In my opinion, the stigma is not so much the implied immorality as the notion that it is highly contagious and incurable. The immorality angle seems to be antiquated and is incongruent to the notion that it is highly contagious (i.e. you can catch it easily and don't need to sleep with a bunch of people to get it). In any case, I understand and sympathize with those who have it. When do they tell prospective partners? Too early, and they might get dumped quickly, because honestly, with all the potential partners out there, why start with someone with a highly contagious, incurable disease? Too late, and the potential partner might feel very betrayed."
All too often we choose avoidance because of fear, and that’s dangerous. Talk to your children about the real life issues out there in the big world. Part of being a responsible human being is learning the information and taking the proper precautions before it’s too late. Knowledge is power. (Reference: The Overblown Stigma of Genital Herpes)
A Word To The Wise
Be optimistic, cheerful, and don’t allow anyone to bring you down.
Be yourself at all times and do the things you love, things that bring you the most satisfaction and happiness. Be confident, and never allow insecurities to challenge your perception because we all have greatness in us, waiting to be revealed and shared, but only with those individuals with a spirit equal to our own. Be with people who respect the total you. Don't allow others to define who you are. You have the capacity for change, and love, and all things joyful.
"The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion, style, compassion, generosity and humor, and finally with kindness." Thrive!
Faith Restored
It’s stories like this that restore my faith in humanity. A friend’s email to me… "I just got back from Fort Lauderdale where I dropped off a huge white crane that I saw roadside with a broken wing. I called the wildlife rescue to ask if they could come and get it and they said no, but they would treat it if I brought it in. So I went out, found it again (it made it's way into the woods) and threw a blanket over its head. Poor thing, it had not eaten in a while, I could tell. They have it on IV fluids and by tomorrow we will know if it is going to make it or not. It will be a shame if they have to put it down. It looks like a car hit it. It has a wingspan of about six feet. What a magnificent creature. It barely fought me, although I had to be careful of the beak. I think it knew I was there to help."