Words Of Wisdom
Here’s to your weekend, beautiful friends! Thrive. – paerki ("Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find." – William Shakespeare)
A Good Year
It’s that time of year when I take long walks alone to contemplate the past year. I guess you could say it’s my time to atone. What a year it has been!
As I write this I’m wondering what makes a good year? Most people would mention family and friends. Not to sound dismissive because I cherish the many wonderful people in my life, and I do consider my friends my family, but it has to be more than that – well, for me, anyway.
The measurement of a good year is how you preserved what keeps you safe, happy and strong – the love you give to yourself. Self-love is vital to our well-being because it fortifies our self-esteem, giving us the confidence we need to move forward in the game of life. It’s what makes us seek out others, which helps us to build the bond of friendship in a more meaningful way, and with that we are less likely to take it for granted.
I know many who lack self-love, and I often see these individuals as depressed, living a humdrum life. Sadly, so many fall short of their dreams and desires, thus never living up to their potential, but I must digress here because I’m sure we’ve all had an isolated moment or two of hopelessness. I have! However, a reservoir of self-love will keep you safe. It’s kept me secure, for many, many years.
I’ve had some peaks and valleys in 2014, but everything in the middle – beautiful. I always nurture my hobbies and interests, and this year was no different. I feel fortunate, dare I say, blessed.
The high points of my journey I live over and over in my mind and in my heart because they were that good, bringing me infinite joy. As for the valleys – what can I say, there were days when I felt like I was crawling and begging for guidance, searching for answers that were not readily available, but through time and patience, and error, I did find what I was seeking, and I became stronger, wiser.
My year was filled with so much love, and I’m thankful I can give and receive it without condition and with a whole heart. Check out my year in photos: 2014 Rewind. Enjoy!
There are many reasons and ways to atone. There are rules and guidelines for doing both; many are dictated by our parent’s religious beliefs during childhood. I think it’s critical to remember these values as we advance in life, and imperative to explore them, as we get older. It definitely is necessary for me.
Religion is complicated and more confusing than ever. People abuse and manipulate ancient text to serve a purpose that all too often is greedy and ungodly (these are the true lost souls of the world). I’m not sure if I believe in God, but I do believe in something greater than myself. I believe in people when they do the right thing, and pray for those who are wrong because it’s even more important for them to atone.
I don’t know what’s right for you, but I do know what’s right for me. Everyday hence requires I be a bit more thankful than the day before, and a bit more vigilant in learning forgiveness – showing it towards my fellow man, and even more so to myself. There is grace to be found in both, and if I can make that statement, I hope you can, too.
Choose To Love
Love is not an emotion. We must choose to love each and every day. It’s hard to love every day, especially when people attempt to kill your spirit, tell lies, manipulate, etc.
I do feel all of us have the ability to love on a daily basis, and that only comes from being honest and communicative. When there is nothing to gain but friendship and understanding, and forgiveness – love will manifest. I need to ponder that more in a few of my relationships, giving just a bit more of myself. Can you say the same?
True love in any capacity is deliberate. It’s long lasting, not because of how you feel, but your dedication and commitment to that which is joyful to your soul.
The world is full of messages, which ones will you hear, applying them to your life to make it easier, more fulfilling and richer? Too many of us are listening to the wrong ones, especially from those who are hell-bent on dividing us as a nation, and it’s to you I say, it’s time to change the channel or simply walk away.
Peace and Goodwill
As 2014 comes to an end, two words remain in my heart – peace and goodwill. Isn’t it time we learn their true meaning and incorporate them into our lives on an everyday basis? To all we meet?
Special People
We must forever make time to tell those special people who’ve played a role in our history, who quite possibly only made a brief appearance or perhaps were a bigger part of our existence more than we thought (or they ever knew), just how beautiful they really are and why we are sincerely grateful for their presence. All deserve a standing ovation because each was instrumental in moving us along in this crazy thing we call life. We don’t get where we are by happenstance, and it’s just not family (no matter how great they are), but the collective spirit, wisdom and achievements of others who drift in and out, and back in – yet again, to our world.