Wednesday's Musings
A Dying Art
The days of writing letters on beautiful stationery, sending note cards to simply say, “Hi… Thinking of you” or “Thank you” are coming to an end. Well, maybe not to an end, but limited enough to say it’s becoming a dying art. It needs to be resurrected because how we communicate today has become dire. Sadly, many are committing communication suicide with emails, messages on Facebook, tweets on Twitter and texts by phone. Abbreviations have taken over our minds and hands. People are much more inclined to send greeting cards by email too.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I can appreciate and do participate in all forms of communication. However, the endearing quality of a handwritten letter is a gift within itself. The effort put forth goes beyond measure and has the potential of staying with the heart as long as you live.
I have a large collection of letters and cards. On occasion I pull out these wonderful treasures and review them with great affection. They are a testament to a life lived. They are a reminder that I have loved and received loved in return. There are many instances where I feel I am reading them for the very first time.
I know some of you are thinking by the time you sit down and handwrite a letter, reread it for errors, find an envelope, purchase a stamp and walk it to the mailbox, you could have just sent several emails. I guess when you look at it that way, it really doesn’t seem all that appealing. However, I beg you not to be so frivolous with your thoughts and irresponsible with your thinking.
Think about it like this… Handwritten letters are very personal. They are written with emotional depth and, one hopes, good karma. Without a doubt, this correspondence has the ability to influence, shape and direct (or redirect) a life. We must always take pride when we are found to be noteworthy.
Since we receive so much junk mail, bills and other nonsense, wouldn’t it be nice to find a letter or card in the mailbox from a friend or relative for no special reason? Would it not be cool to save and find it 20 or 30 years from now, open it again and remember the joy you felt when you first received it and feel a renewed joy?
Emails are environmentally friendly, and the cost of mailing anything today is ridiculous. However, allow yourself, on special occasions, to send out a handwritten letter of good intention, warmth and love.
I hope the next time, instead of emailing, texting or chatting on Facebook to a family member or old friend, you’ll find a moment to handwrite a letter. A single letter has the ability to impact the writer, receiver and countless others. Write to someone today. – paerki
Death is inevitable. The moment we are born we begin to die. It’s imperative we live life to the fullest, and the way to do this is with a genuine heart, a strong mind and a will to survive.
We spend so much time hating. Statistics show heart disease to be the number one killer, but I disagree! Hate is the disease that’s really destroying humanity, and I think it’s time we seek a “real” cure – together. The enemy is out there, but it’s not what you may think. It’s the person who plays on our fears, and manipulates our minds. Sadly, so many are vulnerable, but we can change this when we advocate for each other, showing love and empathy. Forgiveness must be a factor too because we have more in common than you think.
Death must inspire us to live, especially to live a life guided by gratitude, selflessness, quality and more importantly, hope. Here’s to better living through love. Allow it to begin today with a hand extended. – paerki
Life is what you make it. However, I believe everyone has a purpose, and finding it is the key to happiness. I believe there are many who are finding their true calling without any hesitation. Others have a more challenging time. There are those who will never know. So, no matter where you are on your journey, know this, we can all be happy in this life if we learn to coexist, which means believing in and helping our fellow man. We must search for unification, and from there build a world of peace... To not, only makes death a more imminent possibility through stress and war. – paerki
Worry about you, and I’ll worry about me. If you believe in God, all will be resolved in the end. If you don’t, I hope you've had a nice life. I don’t believe in the God of manipulation, which so many follow. However, I do believe in something greater than me. This powerful presence doesn’t hate, but loves. It doesn’t hurt, but makes better. So many of us have replaced the God of scripture, with the God of war. We spend too much time on the defense. We spend more time working independently than working together. I guess that’s why we are losing our understanding and appreciation for each other.
The war of words must end. You’re not better than me, and I’m not better than you. We are just different, so let’s celebrate our differences. Stop judging me, and I’ll stop judging you, and let’s agree to leave it in the hands of that which is greater than both of us. If one of us doesn’t believe, don’t hate. Take the road less traveled and believe for both of us. I wish you a happy life; now do the same for me. Live peace, share peace and extend peace: to me, to you, but most importantly, to all you meet. – paerki